Finding an honest blog writer in St.George Utah can be tricky. Most often in this town, I’ve found that referrals go over best. As in a friend or a friend of a friend referred you to a blog writer. However, if you’re new to St.George, or haven’t had any luck finding a referral for a blog writer in St.George Utah, Google is the next best option.

Finding a Blog Writer in St.George Utah

Perhaps you’re looking for someone to help with the SEO on your website, and although you may not be an expert, you’ve heard that blog writing is a great way to do that. Now you just need to find a local blog writer in St.George Utah whos not only a good writer but who can actually help your website grow. This can be done in a couple of ways:

Google Search

Without a referral, the first thing you are most likely to do is Google Search. In that case, you type “blog writer in St.George Utah” into the Google search bar and after you’re finished scrolling past all of the ads, you’ll find a couple of options. Most of them will be freelance writer websites, which you’ll find more info about below. I suggest skipping over those. Why? Because a blog writer in St.George Utah, whose specialty is in SEO blog writing, will have their own website that is ranking well in Google, to show for it. That’s where you’ll find me.

Freelance Writer Websites

Another option could be looking on websites like “Upwork” and “Fiverr” and although those can be great tools for finding writers, you never really know what quality you’re going to get. Plus, wouldn’t you rather keep it local? Someone from Virginia doesn’t really have a clue what’s going on in St.George. They’ll use Google search to find topics to write about, but they won’t have their own observations and experience to go off of. A blog writer who lives in St.George knows the area well, knows what the people want, knows how the SEO scene might be for your industry in the town, and most likely has a passion for the place.

Virtual Assistants

Here we run into all of the same problems as we would on a freelancer website. You never know what quality you’re going to get, or where the VA is coming from. The most important factor to know – yes, Virtual Assistants are cheap and honestly incredible, I’ve used one before. But their skills are simple – assistance, data entry, that kind of thing. Blog writing is not a simple skill. It’s a specialty, especially an SEO blog writer. It’s not something you should want to penny-pinch over. SEO is important for the life of your business in St.George, and someone who is charging $3 an hour in Vietnam simply does not have the skills.

SEO Blog Writing Is An Investment

SEO blog writing is an investment, and one to take just as seriously as any other investment. You want a writer who isn’t writing just for the sake of writing, but who has experience and knowledge. Who is a good writer, and can find the voice that you are wanting your brand to have. A blog writer who does keyword research before they write any piece of content, not just coming up with random topics to write about. An SEO blog writer who knows exactly what length of content to write in order to rank. One who can use WordPress, post your blogs for you, completely SEO optimized, on time each month, so that you never have to worry about it again.

These are all specialty elements, and they are worth the investment. You get what you pay for.

With that being said, you’ve come to the right place. Let me tell you a little bit more about me and my business, but also what you can look for in other blog writers when you’re shopping around the area.

A Little Bit About Leah Roberts Writing

I like to think of Leah Roberts Writing as sort of the beta phase of my business. It all began with Leah Roberts Writing four years ago – it was the first bit of life of my solo freelance writing career. I learned the basics of the trade at an agency job, and took the knowledge hitting the ground running. I had my first few full package clients within just a couple of months, and still have them to this very day.

After a few years of experimenting with varying degrees of freelance writing and fluctuating in success, doing everything from digital marketing to SEO writing, to press releases and social media posting, I landed an amazing magazine article gig. I went on a press trip to Best Friends Animal Sanctuary in Kanab and wrote a 2,000-word article for Cowboys & Indians magazine. It was an experience of a lifetime. How did the Cowboys and Indians magazine editor find me? Through Google Search. From all of the SEO work that I do on my own website. Although I haven’t dabbled back into the magazine world, it opened up so many doors for me.

It boosted my confidence, it gave me experience. Seeing as how we’ve been entering into a more digital space in today’s world, it gave me the reassurance that this is where I am supposed to be. Then COVID hit. Now more than ever, the world is heading in the digital direction, and more and more freelance writers for newspapers or magazines are finding themselves being phased out, in favor of blog writers.

I learned my skill just in time. I’ve lived and learned and made mistakes to find what works. And now here I am with this skill that I am now an expert in and have a passion for. I love writing. I love my clients – I love seeing my words rise through the search engines and seeing my clients happy!

Being a blog writer in St.George is such a special skill, and I am so grateful that I learned when I did and have been able to grow this skill into Copper Content – the next phase of my writing and digital marketing career, where I took the services I offered on Leah Roberts Writing, and elevated them to another level.

Copper Content Blog Writer in St.George Utah

While Leah Roberts Writing focuses primarily on freelance writing services, Copper Content combines all of my skills in one – Holistic Digital Marketing. By definition, holistic means: “relating to or concerned with wholes or with complete systems rather than with the analysis of, treatment of, or dissection into parts.”

Holistic Digital Marketing is the management of your entire online presence. The idea is to invest in the whole, complete system rather than the dissected parts. I’ve seen way too many business owners pay multiple different freelancers, friends, or family members for different parts of their marketing strategy. In the long run, this just isn’t feasible. It’s messy, there are miscommunications, and it isn’t a strategy if it doesn’t work cohesively. A business owner already has too much to manage without throwing on 3-4 different freelancers.

Don’t get me wrong, I am a huge advocate of freelance work. That’s still what Copper Content is, but instead of paying multiple different freelancers, you’re paying one for all of your digital marketing. I will then manage all of the working parts, as one, with a cohesive strategy. No more confusion or middlemen. Yes, it’s nice to save a bit of money and have your nephew run your social media, but it’s not good business. You need a professional strategy that works together with all of the other moving parts of your marketing strategy. You need the same brand voice, the same look and feel, and the same vision. That’s what Copper Content offers you.

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